Saturday, August 25, 2012

Back to a normal work week of people coming in to look at the newspaper and bulletin board for job openings, using the phone to call about jobs, asking questions about online classes they should take, helping with online visa applications, and teaching English and Michigan test preparation class.
On Friday we had a baptism in Nalaikh.  This young father is a great young man and will be a great priesthood holder in the branch.  His wife is a less active member who is now coming to church with him.  His parents were baptized a couple of months ago.  Great, great family.

We received an email on Saturday from a Brother England informing us that he and his wife have been called as our replacements.  That really shows us that our time is getting short here.  They are to enter the MTC late December and if all goes well with their visas should be here the middle of January.  We will pray there are no delays in their visas.

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