Saturday, August 11, 2012

This has been a busy week, at least for being on the road.  It is transfer time and so there were many trips that needed to be made to the airport either picking up or dropping off missionaries.  Since the assistants do not have driver's licenses for here, the couples had to do most of the driving.  Elder Shrope had to make several trips to the airport.  Friday morning as he backed the van out of the garage, he noticed it had a flat tire, so he proceeded to put the spare on.  As he lowered the van he found that the spare was flat too.  So he and the Elders he was driving had to transfer the luggage to the Land Cruiser.  They were late picking up Sister Pugee who was also flying out to Murun but they still got to the airport in time.

Then that same afternoon I went with him to pick up two Sister missionaries from the airport.  It was raining and the plane was half an hour late getting in.  This is the airport terminal as seen through the van window as I waiting for them to arrive.  Then with the rain and traffic, it took us one and a half hours to get them back to the mission office.

We also had the eight missionaries return from the Manila MTC.  We met with them and heard of their wonderful experiences at the temple. They are a wonderful group and will be great missionaries.
On Saturday we had a reverse MTC with nine missionaries that have finished their missions and are going home.
This is another great group of missionaries!  They served wonderful missions and will be great additions to the home wards and branches.  We served them tacos and Mexican rice for lunch and they loved it.  We see these as the next leaders in the Church here in Mongolia. 

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