Sunday, October 14, 2012

After our tearful good-bye to Keiko on Tuesday night, things have returned to normal at the office.  It is getting cold now with it being 17* F in the morning when we come to work.  Needless to say I have now got out my winter coat, gloves, scarf, and even thermals in preparation for the colddd!!
We also got out ballots for the election next month marked and faxed in!!  We hope everyone will get out and vote this November!
We got to watch conference this weekend since we get it here a week late so that it can be translated into Mongolian.  All the Americans watched it in English.  I read Saturday afternoon talks because I stayed at the apartment and baked for our potluck for Sunday.  I was glad I did because after we came home after we watched the priesthood session and Relief Society conference, our electricity kept going off every five minutes for about an hour.  Not good for baking!  But we did get to eat our soup and grilled cheese sandwich, which we got cooked just as the lights went out the first time, by candlelight. 
On Sunday between the morning and afternoon sessions of conference, all the couples had a potluck lunch in President and Sister Clark's apartment.
 The food was wonderful as usual and we enjoyed the short time we had to visit with one another.
This is Elder and Sister Farmer that arrived here in Mongolia a couple of months ago.  They work in family history.
 Unfortunately with the window behind them, Elder and Sister Richardson are shadowed!
 This is the last time we will have such a potluck with Elder and Sister Martin.  They go home in less than two weeks!!!  We will really miss them.
And this is Elder and Sister Wood.  They just got here last month.  They work in the mission office.  We have not had an office couple since the Fords left in Feb so everyone is very excited to have the Woods here!  It was a fabulous conference and a wonderful lunch!

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