Wednesday, October 10, 2012

For the past six days we have had the pleasure of having Keiko Ikeda visit with us from Japan.  Twenty years ago Keiko stayed for almost a month in our home in Oceanside, CA as a cultural exchange student.  It was great to be together again and to catch up on what is happening in our families.
 On Friday we took her to Sukhbaatar Square.  This is her in front of the government building.

 It was the first time since we have been here and visited the square that the steps and front area of the government building has not been roped off so that we could get a close look at the statues.

 Then we took her to Millie's Cafe for lunch and then across the street to the Tibetan temple museum.  Last time I was here they said no pictures.  This time they said no pictures inside the buildings but we could take them of the outside of the buildings.  There was a gentleman sitting outside the doorway playing traditional Mongolian music on a horse head fiddle so Keiko got to hear some of their beautiful music. It was a beautiful day.

 On Saturday we took her to the Chinggis Khaan statue.  This time I got a closer look at the entrance with Chingiss's nine generals on top.
 And here we are together in front of the giant authentic Mongolian boot.  It is actually made of skins from over 1000 goats(I think but it could be sheep).
 Then we went to Monk Cave and Keiko, Elder Shrope, and Ganzorigt, our driver, climbed up and into it.

 This is where 100 monks hid out and lived many months to avoid being killed.  It is quite a large open area inside that rock formation.
 Elder Shrope and Ganzorigt helped Keiko climb down.  She is 41 years old and I am 61 years old and she needed help which is why I do not climb up there!!
 Next we went to Turtle Rock.  When we were here in July it was all green.  With all this brown ground and yellow trees you know for certain that fall is here and snow is just around the corner!
 This camel was at Turtle Rock.  He was looking the other way until he heard the camera click and then he started posing.  As long as I stood there with my camera out, he would look straight at it.  Guess he likes having his picture taken!

Then we saw these dinosaur replicas.  Dinosaur bones and petrified eggs have been found in this area.
 We finished our day at Terelj by having a picnic beside the river.  We actually drove through a little stream to get to this place next to the river.  Another beautiful day.

 On Monday we went to Zaisan Hill.  Elder Shrope thought we could walk there from the souvenir shop.  We got about half way there and decided to catch a cab.  This is a very large Buddha.
Elder Shrope and Keiko at the base of the statue.  It was very windy and cool and though the clouds are very dark we did not get rained on.
People have left money in this lion's paw and candy in his mouth.  We then went back near Sukhbaatar Square and had a late lunch at the Bangkok Cafe.  That evening we went to Nalaikh for family home evening with the young people of the branch.
Tuesday evening before Keiko left for the airport we went to Bolorsaikhan and Tsolmon's apartment for dinner.  It was Tsolmon's 29th birthday.  Keiko got to taste some Mongolian cooking but not buuzs.  Bolorsaikhan's sister-in-law and niece were there.  At noon they had come by the office to invite us to dinner and the little girl cried when we talked to her.  At dinner, she smiled and laughed and even played with us.  She is a little sweetheart.  Her daddy was not there but next week he finishes his year in the military.
When it was time for Keiko to go, we both cried.  Who knows when we will be able to see each other again.  We are thankful for this time we have had with her and she enjoyed seeing Mongolia even though we did walk her a lot.

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