Friday, July 27, 2012

It has been a pretty light week even though most people are back from Naadam, many are now on vacation.  Our English students are some of those in the countryside enjoying a break from work and city life of crowds and noise so we have not had English lessons all week again.

On Monday we had family home evening in Nalaikh.  They had planned a night of Naadam activities and one young man was to be in charge to see that we had activities to do.  When we arrived we saw no bows and arrows for archery, and of course no horses for horse racing, which are Naadam traditional activities. So we thought that maybe they were either going to wrestle, the other Naadam activity, or that he forgot and nothing was planned, which normally happens.  But we were pleasantly surprised when after the opening three  homemade board games of horse racing were produced.

 These games were in three different styles including racing to the church, regular horse racing through the countryside,  and a glamor type one for the girls.  They each had four players and were filled with spaces that sent you back spaces or gave you another roll of the dice.  Everyone had fun playing them and it was a successful activity.  We have been trying to get them to plan and carrying them out on their own so that when we are gone, they will still have FHE every Monday evening. 
Then the highlight of this week was the marriage of our son Chris and Josie Richardson in the Bountiful Temple on Thursday.  We of course could not be there physically but we were in love and thought.  We did get to speak to them afterwards by way of Skype and see how happy they were.  Our baby is now a husband and we will be empty-nesters when we get home.  But we could not be more happier for them.  And we welcome lovely Josie to the family!

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