Friday, July 6, 2012

 This week was sad because on Wednesday we had to say good-bye to five missionaries that had their visas canceled and had to be reassigned elsewhere.  Elder Hass and Elder Vedusco (I am not sure of the spelling) wanted to stay together and were just told that they would both be going to the Illinois Chicago Mission.  Then they both bore testimony of going where they were needed but they really did not want to leave Mongolia.
Elder Call and Elder Wilson have been reassigned to the California Oakland Mission.  They have only been here a few months but already did not want to leave.  They too bore their testimonies of their love for the people of Mongolia.
And Sister Burks was reassigned to the Washington, DC South Mission.  There were many tears shed as she say a hymn in Mongolian as her farewell.  She too has only been here a few months but loves and is loved by the people here.  They will truly be missed here and their new areas are very lucky to have them.  We wish them all the best.

On Friday we had a baptism in Nalaikh.  This young lady was taught the discussions a while ago but then did not know if she wanted to join the Church.  The Sister missionaries met her and then began again to teach her.  She said that she felt the same good feeling that she had felt before but had not acted upon.  This time she decided that she wanted to keep that feeling and wanted Christ in her life.  She is a very special young lady.

Saturday we helped the DIC (Deseret Industries Charities) with a service project of putting together irrigation kits for those who are trying to grow their own gardens.  It involved a lot of cutting and winding flat hoses and things that they would need.  It was tiring but worthwhile!

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