Saturday, July 14, 2012

 This week was Naadam.  We began our Naadam by going to Altan's family's summer homes.  Her two nieces are learning English in the school we used to work at.  The one in blue sang us a Mongolian song.  She just finished the first grade.  Her sister sang "Are You Sleeping, Brother John" to us in English. They were staying in the bigger home with their mother, aunt, two cousins, and grandmother.  There mother was one of 7 children and was a chess master along with 5 of her siblings including Altan's husband.
 This is Altan and me on the front porch of her Mother-in-law's summer home.  She is counting to three with Elder Shrope as he takes the picture.
And this is Grandmother with her other two granddaughters.  
 Their summer homes are at the base of this hill.  Elder Shrope and Altan's two sons and grandson climbed to the top.  It was a beautiful area, so quiet and peaceful.  Oko, Altan's daughter-in-law, fixed us some of the best spaghetti I have ever tasted.  She knew we did not like mutton which is usually served for Naadam.
 On Thursday most of us missionaries went for our own Naadam celebration.  We rode a bus for about 20 kilometers and then walked about a mile from the end of the bus route.  There were so many of us that we practically filled the bus on our own.
We had to step on the rocks in this area and then hug the fence to get around the puddle that covered the roadway.  The Farmers in the front are our new couple.  The Elder in the back with the box is carrying the lamb that they had butchered to cook for the meal.

This was the area of the Tuul River that we went to.  The water was very high due to all the rain we have been having.  The missionaries also carried a large metal milk can that they cooked the food in.  First they start a fire to heat rocks that they washed in the river.  Then they layer the hot rocks, meat, and vegetables.  They cover them with water mixed with salt, and put a rock to hold the top of the can down tight and cook over a fire.  We did not eat much because we do not like the taste of mutton, but the couples had brought salads, cookies, and rolls.  No one went away hungry. This was also my first experience using an outhouse here.  It was just a small building balanced over a large hole in the ground and there was a gap between the middle floor slats that you have to squat over.  But it was better than going out in the open which is what most people do!  But it was a beautiful day and everyone had fun, and played soccer, frisbee, and leg wrestling.  
Then this morning we woke to a heavy rain.  We have never seen it flood the road in front of our apartment like this before.  The little car even got flooded as he drove by and stalled out when he got to that tree.  It was up over the curbs too.  But by the afternoon, the sun came out and dried it all up.  Luckily we did not have to go anywhere.

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