Monday, November 19, 2012

I have decided that since we have a little less than two weeks left instead of waiting until the end of the week to post I will post as things happen for this next little while.  Last night we attended our last family home evening in Nalaikh.  It was a fun night.

 First a young lady challenged Elder Shrope to a game of ping pong.  Of course she beat him!!  they love to play this game. 
Then we went into the kitchen and I instructed them in how to make cookies from a cake mix.  The girls watched as the boys put in the ingredients and mixed the cookies, and then put them on the pan to bake.  While they were baking, we took some photos of us having fun with the Elders...

 And one of the young boys who is there every Monday night and every Sunday.  He doesn't speak any English so he just smiles at us a lot!
 Elder Shrope bringing the first pan of cookies out of the oven.  I had forgot to bring hot pads so he has toilet paper as his hot pad!!
 Then they frosted them and ate them.  I had also brought a pan of frosted brownies and they ate them all.
 This was the whole group last night being funny....
And then here we are all together.  We will miss them.  They are all so special like Otgonchimeg who is the young lady sitting next to me.  She has to walk with a crutch, and when Elder Shrope is on his knees they are the same height, but she always has a smile that is as big as the sky and lightens the room when she enters.  They are all happy, supportive, and very loving!!!  Wonderful, wonderful people!

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