Thursday, November 22, 2012

On Wednesday we had our last English test preparation lesson with Tenuun, Altan's son.  That day Marta and her Dad stopped by to say good-bye to us.  They were in town from Darkhan and we will not see them again before we leave.  So yes, tears were shed but we will keep in contact and if Marta gets into school in Utah, we may get to see her sometime.  Her Dad has written a book he is trying to get published about the history of the Church here in Mongolia.  I read a few pages of his manuscript dealing with his own history and it was very interesting.  It is written in English and I would love to read the whole thing when it gets published.

Onon is home for a couple of weeks from his job at the mine and he also stopped in to say good-bye.  We will miss talking to him about school and dating!!  He is a wonderful young man and will be a great leader in the church in Mongolia.
On Thursday we had our last temple preparation classes for new missionaries.  These two Elders and six Sisters left for the missionary training center in Manila this morning.  We had a full day with them as we taught them from 9:00 am til noon, and then from 4:00-7:00 pm.  
Muugii was our translator for the whole day.  Since many of these missionaries do not speak English, the translator is invaluable to us, and Muugii did a great job.  We have really enjoyed teaching new missionaries about the temple and will miss it very much.  We wish this group well as they begin their missions.

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