Sunday, November 4, 2012

It was a full and emotional weekend for us.  On Saturday we held our last Reverse MTC before we return home.  Miigaa did a great job teaching the career workshop as usual.

We had four Elders and Four Sisters in attendance that were finishing their missions.  Also one Elder that was here with his companion but he is not going home.  He has six more months and then he will be back for his class.
They were a great group and were happy with their certificates for attending the workshop.  Now they are ready to return to their homes, find jobs or go to school, and begin the rest of their lives.  We love them and wish them every success.
 On Sunday this little guy came dressed as a future missionary.  He even went around shaking everyone's hand and welcoming them to church.  Elder Shrope gave him his Hong Kong temple tie clasp and he proudly showed it to everyone.
Then Sunday evening was the missionary fireside where all those missionaries going home bear their testimonies.  And yes we were in that group since we do leave before the next fireside.  Also bearing their testimonies were the eight missionaries we had yesterday in the workshop plus three who had returned from serving their missions in the States.  I fought off the tears while speaking but not as I sat back down.  It is hard to say good-bye.

 Afterwards there was a lot of handshaking..........

 And hugging with those we have met and loved here in Mongolia!!
 This is Dolgor who we call Emee(which means Grandma but the E's need to be printed backwards).  She was part of our temple trip group in Sep.  She gave me hugs and kisses.  She is such a sweet lady.
 And then pictures with some of our friends from the building like Eegii who translates for us when we teach the temple preparation classes to the new missionaries going to the MTC.  She also travels with them and is their translator at the MTC in Manila.

 And one of the Elders serving in Nalaikh at the moment. 

And then with the gang from Nalaikh.  These are the ones that have been a big part of our life these past 22 months as they are also our FHE group.  We love them and will miss them very much.  They are a fun group and we look forward to spending our last few weeks with them.

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